Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Pete Rose Essays - Pete Rose, WWE Hall Of Fame, Free Essays

Pete Rose Essays - Pete Rose, WWE Hall Of Fame, Free Essays Pete Rose Consider a student who passes a final exam under the influence of illegal drugs. The professor might be inclined to call the police, but theres no reason why the student shouldnt get the grade he earned. Then consider another student who cheats on the same exam. No crime has been committed, but as a student thats the worst possible behavior, and deserves the harshest penalty. Gambling is the worst thing a ballplayer can do, because it undermines the integrity of the game. Pete Rose did the worst thing a ballplayer could do by not only gambling on games in the NBA the NFL and college sports, but also baseball games. Peter Edwards Rose was investigated by Major League Baseball and a hearing was scheduled for May of 1989. The scheduled hearing never took place and yet Pete Rose was suspended from baseball and placed on the ineligibility list. Pete could apply for re-instatement after one year. But less than one year later the Baseball Hall of Fame added a clause to its eligibility rules stating that players who were on Baseballs ineligibility list could not be considered as candidates. Commissioner Bud Selig said that the application would be considered at an appropriate time. In 1997 Pete Rose applied for re-instatement nearly eight years after he was first eligible to do so. He was turned down The question I raise is should Peter Edwards Rose be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame for his outstanding play on the baseball field, or be denied it because of a gambling addiction. In my opinion Pete Rose should be inducted into the Hall of Fame, and also be re-instated into Major League Baseball. Yes Rose did commit a baseball crime and reluctantly admitted to it but as compared to some of the people in the Hall of Fame and in baseball Rose is no different. Guys who take drugs or beat their wives dont get such harsh punishment and many of them are still in the Hall of Fame and baseball. In todays world gambling is considered an addiction. If this is the case then why not allowing Pete Rose to be re-instated into baseball if he agreed to have counseling on the issue. President Clinton committed acts that almost got him impeached but the country forgave him and he is still the President of the United States, and yet after ten years Pete Rose has not yet been re-instated to baseball or even allowed to participate in official events. In a poll recently conducted on 75% or 198 of the 263 people polled said that Pete Rose should be re-instated, while a mere 25% or 65 said that Pete Rose should remain out of baseball. The Hall of Fame is as much for the fans as it is for the players. Then why isnt one of the most liked sports figures allowed to continue his baseball career and be inducted into the Hall of Fame. Rose recently took another step closer to being re-instated. He has backed an Official Pete Rose Online Petition set up at The petition will be sent on January 31, 2000 to the Baseball Hall of Fame with all signatures. I urge you to vote for Pete Rose online to better his chances. In 1999 Pete Rose was elected to the all century team. Forgive him for his mistakes and elect Pe Bibliography N/A

Monday, March 2, 2020

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) is federally funded - state-administered - financial assistance program for low-income families with dependent children and financial assistance for pregnant women during their last three months of pregnancy. TANF provides temporary financial assistance while also helping recipients find jobs that will allow them to support themselves.In 1996, TANF replaced old welfare programs, including the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program. Today, TANF provides yearly grants to all U.S. states, territories, and tribal governments. The funds are used to pay for benefits and services distributed by the states to assist needy families. Since replacing AFDC, the TANF program has served as one of the main sources of economic security and stability programs for low-income families with children. Through this government grant program, states, territories, the District of Columbia, and federally-recognized Indian tribes receive about $16.6 billion annually. The TANF recipient jurisdictions use these funds to provide direct income support to qualified low-income families with children. In addition, the funds allow the jurisdictions to assist recipient families with job placement and training, child care, and tax credits. Goals of TANF In order to get their annual TANF grants, the states must show that they are operating their TANF programs in a way that accomplishes the following goals: assisting needy families so that children can be cared for in their own homesreducing the dependency of needy parents by promoting job preparation, work, and marriagepreventing out-of-wedlock pregnanciesencouraging the formation and maintenance of two-parent families. While TANF jurisdictions must meet certain work participation and cost-sharing requirements, they have considerable flexibility with TANF funds to implement programs that best serve their distinct communities. Applying for TANF While the overall TANF program is administered by the federal Administration for Children and Families, each state is responsible for setting its own specific financial eligibility requirements, and accepting and considering applications for assistance. General Eligibility TANF is a cash assistance program for families with dependent children and for pregnant women in their last three months of pregnancy. To be eligible, you must be a U.S. citizen or eligible noncitizen and a resident of the state in which you are applying for assistance. Eligibility for TANF depends upon the applicants income, resources and the presence of a dependent child under age 18, or under age 20 if the child is a full-time student in high school or in a high school equivalency program. Specific eligibility requirements vary from state-to-state. Financial Eligibility TANF is for families whose incomes and resources are not enough to meet the basic needs of their children. Each state sets maximum income and resource (cash, bank accounts, etc.) limits above which families will not qualify for TANF. Work and  School Requirements With few exceptions, TANF recipients must work as soon as they are job-ready or no later than two years after beginning to get TANF assistance. Some people, such as the disabled and seniors, are given a participation waiver and do not have to work to qualify. Children and unmarried minor teen parents must meet school attendance requirements established by the state TANF program. To count toward a states work participation rate, single parents must participate in work activities for an average of 30 hours per week, or an average of 20 hours per week if they have a child under age six. Two-parent families must participate in work activities for an average of 35 hours a week or, if they receive Federal child care assistance, 55 hours a week. Failure to participate in work requirements can result in a reduction or termination of a familys benefits.States cannot penalize single parents with a child under six for failing to meet work requirements if they cannot find adequate child care. Qualifying Work  Activities Activities that count toward a states work participation rates include: unsubsidized or subsidized employmentwork experienceon-the-job trainingjob search and job readiness assistance - not to exceed 6 weeks in a 12-month period and no more than 4 consecutive weeks (but up to 12 weeks if a State meets certain conditions)community servicevocational educational training not to exceed 12 monthsjob skills training related to workeducation directly related to employmentsatisfactory secondary school attendanceproviding child care services to individuals who are participating in community service. TANF Benefit Time Limits The TANF program is intended to provide temporary financial assistance while the recipients seek employment that will allow them to fully support themselves and their families. As a result, families with an adult who has received federally-funded assistance for a total of five years (or less at state option) become ineligible for cash aid under the TANF program. States do have the option of extending federal benefits beyond 5 years and may also choose to provide extended assistance to families using state-only funds or other federal Social Services Block Grant funds available to the state. TANF Program Contact Information Mailing Address:Office of Family AssistanceAdministration for Children and Families370 LEnfant Promenade, SWWashington, DC 20447Phone: 202.401.9275FAX: 202.205.5887